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Installing the dbt Cloud CLI (Alpha)

Alpha functionality

The following installation instructions are for the dbt Cloud CLI, currently in Alpha (actively in development and being tested).

These instructions are not intended for general audiences at this time.

dbt Cloud natively supports developing using a command line (CLI), empowering team members to contribute with enhanced flexibility and collaboration. The dbt Cloud CLI allows you to run dbt commands against your dbt Cloud development environment from your local command line.

dbt commands are run against dbt Cloud's infrastructure and benefit from:

  • Secure credential storage in the dbt Cloud platform.
  • Automatic deferral of build artifacts to your Cloud project's production environment.
  • Speedier, lower-cost builds.
  • Support for dbt Mesh (cross-project ref),
  • Significant platform improvements, to be released over the coming months.

Install dbt Cloud CLI

You can install the dbt Cloud CLI on the command line by using one of these methods:

Before you begin, make sure you have Homebrew installed in your code editor or command line terminal. If your operating system runs into path conflicts, refer to the FAQs.

  1. Run the following command to verify that there is no conflict with a dbt Core installation on your system:
which dbt
  • This should return a dbt not found. If the dbt help text appears, use pip uninstall dbt to deactivate dbt Core from your machine.
  1. Install the dbt Cloud CLI with Homebrew:
brew tap dbt-labs/dbt-cli
brew install dbt-cloud-cli
  1. Verify the installation by running dbt --help from the command line. If the help text doesn't indicate that you're using the dbt Cloud CLI, make sure you've deactivated your pyenv or venv and don't have a version of dbt globally installed.
  • You no longer need to use the dbt deps command. Previously, you had to run that command.

Update dbt Cloud CLI

The following instructions explain how to update the dbt CLoud CLI to the latest version depending on your operating system.

To update the dbt Cloud CLI, run brew upgrade dbt-cloud-cli.

Configure the dbt Cloud CLI

After installation, you can configure the dbt Cloud CLI for your dbt Cloud project and use it to run dbt commands similar to dbt Core. For example, you can execute the following command to compile a project using dbt Cloud:

dbt compile


  • You must set up a project in dbt Cloud.
  • You must have your personal development credentials set for that project. The dbt Cloud CLI will use these credentials, stored securely in dbt Cloud, to communicate with your data platform.
  • You must enroll in the dbt Cloud beta features.
    • To enroll, navigate to your Profile Settings and enable the Beta flag under Experimental Features.

Once you install the dbt Cloud CLI, you need to configure it to connect to a dbt Cloud project.

  1. Ensure you meet the prerequisites above.

  2. Create an environment variable with your dbt Cloud API key:

    • On MacOS, Linux, or Windows add an environment variable:

      export DBT_CLOUD_API_KEY="1234" # Replace 1234 with your API key   
    • In Powershell, add an environment variable:

      • Note that this variable resets if you restart your shell. To add an environment variable permanently, add a system environment variable in your platform.
  3. Navigate to a dbt project in your terminal:

cd ~/dbt-projects/jaffle_shop
  1. In your dbt_project.yml file, ensure there is a section titled dbt-cloud. This section is required to have a project-id field with a valid project ID.
# dbt_project.yml


project-id: PROJECT_ID
  • To find your project ID, go to Develop in the navigation menu. Select the dbt Cloud project URL, such as, where the project ID is 123456.

Use the dbt Cloud CLI

The dbt Cloud CLI shares the same set of commands as dbt Core. When you invoke a dbt command, that command is sent to dbt Cloud for processing.

The dbt Cloud CLI supports project dependencies, which is an exciting way to depend on another project using the metadata service in dbt Cloud. It instantly resolves references (or ref) to public models defined in other projects. You don't need to execute or analyze these upstream models yourself. Instead, you treat them as an API that returns a dataset.

Share feedback or request features you'd like to see on the dbt community Slack.


What's the difference between the dbt Cloud CLI and dbt Core?
The dbt Cloud CLI and dbt Core, an open-source project, are both command line tools that enable you to run dbt commands. The key distinction is the dbt Cloud CLI is tailored for dbt Cloud's infrastructure and integrates with all its features.
How do I solve for path conflicts
For compatibility, both the dbt Cloud CLI and dbt Core are invoked by running `dbt`. This can create path conflicts if your operating system selects one over the other based on your $PATH environment variable (settings).

If you have dbt Core installed locally, ensure that you deactivate your Python environment or uninstall it using pip uninstall dbt before proceeding. Alternatively, advanced users can modify the $PATH environment variable to correctly point to the dbt Cloud CLI binary to use both dbt Cloud CLI and dbt Core together.

You can always uninstall the Cloud CLI to return to using dbt Core.